Interact with the ICM Registry
Retrieve latest Interchain Messaging version using the Registry.
Let's start by interacting with the registry. Registry is deployed on specific addresses depending the chain you're operating and the status of the network at the deployment time. For your local network you can find it out with the following command:
Get C-Chain Registry Address
avalanche primary describe
_____ _____ _ _ _____
/ ____| / ____| | (_) | __ \
| | ______| | | |__ __ _ _ _ __ | |__) |_ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___ ___
| | |______| | | '_ \ / _ | | '_ \ | ___/ _ | '__/ _ | '_ _ \/ __|
| |____ | |____| | | | (_| | | | | | | | | (_| | | | (_| | | | | | \__ \
\_____| \_____|_| |_|\__,_|_|_| |_| |_| \__,_|_| \__,_|_| |_| |_|___/
| RPC URL | |
| Codespace RPC URL | |
| EVM Chain ID | 43112 |
| Address | 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC |
| Balance | 49999478.838561118 |
| Private Key | 56289e99c94b6912bfc12adc093c9b51124f0dc54ac7a766b2bc5ccf558d8027 |
| BlockchainID (CB58) | NeA134STyTVwife7gYeNQ6Hwi5GPGC2X7aUFvWsnusnpM2do6 |
| BlockchainID (HEX) | 0x31233cae135e3974afa396e90f465aa28027de5f97f729238c310d2ed2f71902 |
| Teleporter Messenger Address | 0x253b2784c75e510dD0fF1da844684a1aC0aa5fcf |
| Teleporter Registry Address | 0x17aB05351fC94a1a67Bf3f56DdbB941aE6c63E25 | // [!code highlight]
Save C-Chain Registry Address
Let's put the address of the registry in an environment variable:
export C_CHAIN_REGISTRY_ADDRESS=0x17aB05351fC94a1a67Bf3f56DdbB941aE6c63E25
Get L1 Registry Address
avalanche blockchain describe myblockchain
| Local Network | Teleporter Messenger Address | 0x253b2784c75e510dD0fF1da844684a1aC0aa5fcf |
| +------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
| | Teleporter Registry Address | 0x98F9971D3832B94241A2FbBC39712d6e13D8Df99 | // [!code highlight]
Save L1 Registry Address
export MYBLOCKCHAIN_REGISTRY_ADDRESS=0x98F9971D3832B94241A2FbBC39712d6e13D8Df99
Retrieve Latest ICM Messenger Version:
Let's interact with the Registry by getting the latest version of the Interchain Messaging Messenger deployed on C-Chain:
cast call --rpc-url local-c $C_CHAIN_REGISTRY_ADDRESS "latestVersion()(uint256)"
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Last updated on 1/23/2025